Their illnesses should be less frequent after that first exposure. You can't send those NPCs to the clinic they have to run through a Herd Immunity process. When you start a new save or a save that didn't have Private Practice loaded in, your Sims will start to experience symptoms of either an illness or allergy. Your Sim's world NPCs will also get ill. Please re-read the warning at the top of this post and follow the instructions found at the bottom of this download page. Be sure to place at least one Clinic before making an appointment.

Most of the main parts of the Appointment process are the same as in previous iterations, but we adjusted it based on the feedback given in the past.

***REQUIRES SIMS 4 GET WORK*** Public Mod Guide: Exploring the ability to take care of your Sim's Health all under the same roof if you wish. The goal of this mod pack is to rework the Health system of the Sims 4.